Our Facilities

Each of our fields are independently owned and operated by their respective leagues. If you have any questions about the fields, please reach out to the local leagues contacts.

Each individual town/league will determine their own safety protocols based on the guidelines provided by the State of Massachusetts, their local town government as well as their local board of health requirements. The protocols that each town adopts for their home fields must be adhered to by any visiting teams and their spectators.  

No fields allow for smoking, vaping, drinking or drug use, and most fields do not allow dogs. Please be sure to adhere to all signage at fields, as you can and will be ask to leave a field if you do not abide by their local rules.

Ayer - Pirone Fields

Bolton - Capital & IL Fields

Groton - Cow Pond Fields

Lancaster - Thayer Field

Harvard - Ryan Land Fields

Littleton - Shaker Fields

Lunenburg - Fitzgerald Field

Lunenburg - McNally Park

Stow - Community Park Fields

Maynard - DJ's Field

Pepperell - Bartelson Fields

Shirley - Dale Prentiss Fields

Townsend - Spaulding Fields

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